Advertising copywriting for print
You stopped advertising in newspapers and magazines because it didn’t work. I reckon I can sort that.

“I wrote a book about advertising once… it’s called a cheque book”
Know who said that? Lord Sugar. And never a truer word spoken, unless…
You get the point. Most money spent on advertising, especially press adverts, is so often wasted. I’ve done it myself over the years. You fall for the readership figures – which are usually complete bullshit – you haggle the discount, agree to multiple insertions, then sit back and wait for the phone to ring. After a while, you realise you’ve done your dough (wasted your money). So you end up deluding yourself by saying “well, we got some brand awareness” out of it. Yeah, right.
Now here’s why it didn’t work. To start: you probably got the message wrong. It didn’t even cross your mind to call upon the services of a creative advertising copywriter. And why should it? The advertising salesperson only discussed the artwork with you, not the copywriting. The publication you were advertising in didn’t target the right audience; the distribution figure wasn’t high enough and your advert’s placement was more remote than Antarctica.
So much more than just a creative copywriting service
I’ll tell you what print media is even worth considering. I can teach you exactly how to negotiate a substantial discount – don’t ever pay rate-card. And I can show you how to make the best of your offer or proposition, way before the writing even begins.
Now for the copywriting side. Whenever you’ve advertised somewhere, did you design the advert yourself? Your answer’s probably ‘no’. Now let me ask you this: did you write the ad copy yourself? Chances are the answer is ‘yes’. See where I’m going with this? You suddenly decided that you could do something that many professionals spend years learning how to do, and chances are you made a complete hash of it.
Don’t fall into this trap. If you need something short and punchy, I can create a hook that builds desire. If we have the luxury of a longer copywriting requirement, I can solve multiple problems before the prospect has responded to your call to action.
My proven copywriting skills and ability to think-up unique ideas that get people to buy, is what will help you achieve increased sales – the lifeblood of your business.
Don’t spend another penny on print advertising until you’ve spoken to me. Otherwise, you might find your best option was to head down the bookies.
Want to get started?
If you're good to go, we need a plan.

Send me a brief
Editable Microsoft Word document
Takes 15 - 45 minutes to complete
Email it straight across
Can be used to brief other agencies

Let me write your brief
Online or at your office
We'll discuss your goals and objectives, in depth
I'll also give you workable ideas to increase sales
It'll be watertight